There are two main categories of extractions performed in our office: simple extractions and those performed as oral surgery procedures. The simple extractions are done on teeth that are not impacted or deeply hidden beneath the gums. The gums do not need to be cut open to reveal the tooth, and a simple loosening of the tooth from its roots pulls it free.
Other teeth, including wisdom teeth, need to be surgically removed which requires anesthesia and a longer recovery time. In both cases, it is a routine procedure done for a variety of reason: the tooth is infected or impacted, a wisdom tooth is pushing against other teeth or causing jaw pain, the tooth needs removed prior to an orthodontic treatment.
We provide our patients with the following recommendations after having extractions performed:
- Have liquids or soft foods for the first few days after the tooth has been extracted.
- Do not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol as it affects the healing time.
- Avoid using a sucking motion, such as through a straw, because it can dislodge the blood clot and cause a dry socket.
- Take all prescribed medications as directed, including antibiotics and painkillers.
Our dentist Dr. Nina Kiani is currently accepting new patients for extractions in our New York, NY dental office.