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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Intraoral Camera

Dental technology has greatly improved the diagnosis of dental issues over the years, making early treatment of decay, infection and disease possible. With advancements such as intraoral cameras, dentists can view patients’ teeth easier and more accurately. This helps them diagnose dental issues earlier and treat them with less invasive methods. At our office in New York, NY, our patients’ oral health is important to us, so we use intraoral cameras and other top-of-the-line technology to keep them smiling.

The intraoral camera is an effective tool for viewing patients’ teeth and mouth from different angles, allowing Dr. Nina Kiani to see the mouth from angles that were not available even a couple years ago. The camera connects to a monitor that lets the dentist see the structures of the patient’s teeth more closely and with better accuracy than traditional methods. These digital images also allow the patient and insurance companies to see what the doctor has seen, which lets you understand your oral health better and gain procedure acceptance from your insurance company more easily. In addition, by using digital intraoral cameras and digital X-rays instead of traditional dental X-rays, your dentist can limit your exposure to radiation.

To schedule an appointment at our office, call (212) 279-8770. For more information, visit

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Crown Lengthening

A dentist’s first goal is always to save your teeth, which means that they have developed many dental procedures that help prevent tooth extraction. In cases where cavities have decimated a tooth to a point where there is not enough tooth structure left upon which to fix a crown, our office will perform a crown lengthening.

If a tooth has broken below the gum line or if decay has developed underneath an existing crown or filling, crown lengthening allows a new crown to be placed rather than extracting the tooth.
While called crown lengthening, this common surgical procedure does not actually lengthen the crown. It actually lowers the gum line, and it does this by removing gum tissue, bone or both to expose more of the tooth and provide a foundation for the crown.

The procedure is performed with a local anesthesia to numb the area. When the area is fully numb, Dr. Nina Kiani will make cuts to pull the gums away from the teeth and expose the roots and surrounding bone. In some cases removing a little of the gum tissue will expose enough of the tooth for placing a crown. However, it is more likely that some bone will also have to be removed from around the roots of the teeth. After removing the necessary amount of tissue and bone, the area will be washed and the gums stitched.

Our office works hard to always protect your teeth and to provide the best quality of dental care available. For more information about Dr. Nina Kiani and her services, visit Call 714-879-7943 to schedule an appointment in New York, NY.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Of all cosmetic and restorative procedures in dentistry, bonding is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to enhance your smile. Called bonding because tooth-colored resin is bonded to your teeth, the procedure is used to repair teeth that are discolored, unevenly shaped or chipped. At our office, we can even use bonding as an alternative to amalgam fillings if only a small filling is required.

Bonding is achieved by applying incredibly strong resin to the tooth in need of restoration. The procedure can usually be accomplished in one visit and allows you to keep most of your tooth’s original enamel, which makes bonding preferable to veneers in many cases. Once the right color resin has been chosen for your smile, Dr. Nina Kiani will slightly abrade your teeth to roughen the surface. Then a conditioning liquid is applied to help the resin adhere. The putty-like resin is then applied to your tooth and molded and smoothed until it is in the proper shape. It is hardened with an LED light. After the bonding material has hardened, Dr. Kiani will trim and shape it even more and then polish it until shines like a tooth. Altogether, the procedure usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour for one tooth.

If you’re unhappy with your teeth but unwilling to go as far as veneers, bonding can be used to improve your smile quickly and effectively. To schedule an appointment with our office in New York, NY, call us at (212) 279-8770. For more information, visit