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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Orthodontic appliances offered here in our New York, NY practice include night guards, which provide an essential purpose. Patients that wake up frequently with ear pain, headaches, or jaw pain are often struggling with grinding or clenching their teeth at night. It is a habit that is automatic and almost impossible to stop.
A great way to prevent damage and pain caused by teeth grinding, also called bruxism, is with night guards. These are custom guards made to create a barrier between the upper and lower teeth while sleeping, that last about ten years on average.
Patients who grind or clench their teeth at night not only experience pain, but it can be noisy and disrupt their spouse’s sleep, wear down the teeth, and damage their tooth enamel.
Our dentist Dr. Nina Kiani first takes impressions of the patient’s teeth and sends them to a local dental lab. In about two weeks, the night guard arrives ready for the patient. It fits perfectly in their mouth for a comfortable fit that doesn’t disrupt their sleep. Patients are encouraged to wear the night guards every time they sleep.
Visit our dental office to talk to Dr. Nina Kiani about getting a custom night guard.

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